
Archive for June, 2017

Culinary Herb Gardening

Dr. Susan Petro presented an amazingly comprehensive program in her usual interesting and informative style. Susan began with a brief discussion of how to pronounce “herb”. She brought many herb specimens for us to touch and smell.  She also addressed our sense of taste by bringing herbal cookies and a Rose Scented Geranium cake which she prepared (it was delicious).  Members were taught not only how to grow, store and use the herbs discussed but how to prepare Rose Scented Geranium Tea (also delicious). Following the information we sampled the tea and the numerous desserts created by Susan.  Each of the attendees were given a Rose Scented Geranium plant grown from cuttings that Susan prepared in advance.

Susan Petro Herb Lecture 2

Susan Petro Herb Lecture 1


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